Presented by:Katie Dwyer
Let's dive into a number of basic sorting algorithms: bubble sort, selection sort, quick sort and merge sort. This will be a language agnostic whiteboard demo of memory while code is executing so beginners can really get a feel for what's happening behind the curtain.
Have you ever wondered what Big O notation is? Or what makes an algorithm fast or slow? Or why it even matters? Or marveled that the sort() method just magically works and wondered what's really happening?
Let's start with discussing our measurement - what is Big O Notation? Why does it matter? What does it mean?
Then we can run through a number of common sorting algorithms and their time and space efficiency, measured with Big O. We'll dig into each one - specifically how it works and whether it's fast or slow measured in Big O notation.
Level: Introductory and overviewTags:Back-End, Patterns & Practices